The outline view can display the mind map as a hierarchical list, checklist, to do list, done list or date list.
Mac and Windows: Click the outline icon Outline icon in the inspector (right side of the screen).  Or via the main menu – “View” – “Outline”
iPad/iPhone and Android: Select “Outline” from the menu.

In the hierarchical view you can drag and drop to reorder topics. If the mind map has an auto layout, the topics in the mind map will be moved as well. In free form layout this will only change the topic order.
Or use of the buttons next to hierarchical view to show
  • Check list
    The check list displays only topics with checked and unchecked checkboxes. Click to check or uncheck.
  • To Do list
    This displays topics with unchecked checkboxes only.
  • Done list
    Displays only topics with checked checkboxes.
  • Date list
    Displays only topics that have a date, sorted by date.