SimpleMind Pro is able to import .itmz (on Mac, iPad&iPhone), .mm, and .opml. and .txt
To import use the main menu "File" - "Open". On iPad&iPhone long press the file and select "Open in SimpleMind".
On Android click the file and use the "import" button. Or if you use a cloud, tap the menu to open the cloud tab and locate the file. Use “Import” from the action bar.

  • iThoughts Files - itmz. - Mac, iPad&iPhone
    SimpleMind imports the hierarchy (parent - child etc), notes, images, crosslinks (knows as relations in iThoughts), most icons, links and images. We've tried to make it as easy as possible to continue working with your iThoughts maps.
  • FreeMind (.mm) and .opml files.
    SimpleMind imports the basic structure of an .mm or .opml file. SimpleMind extracts text, notes and hierarchy from and ignores all other attributes such as links and icons. It is intended to be used as a one-time import.
  • Text files (.txt)
    This is an easy way to convert your text files into mind maps. Each new line in the text file creates a new topic. If a line starts with a tab, this creates a child topic. On android, make sure the file is stored in a cloud first or;

    Tip: Use paste text as list to quickly copy text and paste this as mind map topics, see image below. Use the main menu - Edit - Paste - Paste Text as list. On iPad&iPhone and Android, use the topic toolbar - paste to select "paste text as list".
