To share or export a mind map use the main menu "File" or the main menu "File" - "Share". On iPhone&iPad or Android use the share icon.

Share or export Mind Map (iPad&iPhone "Open in") Export/Share as Outline (iPad&iPhone "Open Outline in") Other options  

Share as Image

Share as image export

Exporting as an image shows the mind map like you see it in SimpleMind. The pdf format can be opened by anyone and is usually the best choice.
Because an image shows the mind map  as you see it, notes are not visible. If needed, add a Notes report


Outline text

Select .html or .txt to import the file in word processors. The .html outline includes links and notes.


Mind Map formats

Export in original .smmx format to share your mind maps with others that have SimpleMind Pro or use the free SimpleMind Viewer for Mac,Windows or iPad&iPhone.

It is possible to share as basic Freemind (.mm) or opml files. Opml is supported by most outliner and mind mapping apps, Freemind is supported by most mind mapping apps. This exports only the most basic information like text, notes and hierarchy. Any additional information, such as images will be discarded.


Outline Notes report

Export Share Notes Report

This creates a .pdf with only topics with notes. Use this in combination with the image of the mind maps to share everything in the mind map with others. Select "Topics with Notes only" when sharing the outline.

Hierarchy outline

Sahre or export hierarchy outline

Click image above to open as .pdf

Use "Show Hierarchy" to create a  .pdf that shows all topics and their hierarchy. You can choose to include or exclude notes, checkboxes, dates or numbering.


Outline Checklist

share export as checklist

Use "Checklist" to see everything you still need to do, and/or everything you already did, make a .pdf checklist.


Website - Available for Windows and Mac SimpleApps edition

This creates a zip archive with .html pages containing clickable elements for notes, full size images and links. The zip archive includes all linked mind maps, full size images and linked documents. You can send zip to someone else so they open it with their browser. If you want to upload it to your own website, make sure you are allowed to upload your own .html pages.

Click to see an example. Note! Check the zip before you share, to prevent sending someone information you did not want to share.

Share presentation as slides

After making a slideshow, use "Export Slides" to export all slides as .png images. When using "Export Slides" SimpleMind will create a .zip with all the .png images for your convenience. These images can be imported into a presentation app.